Kate Braner, Author at 足球竞彩网 Assembly Blog

What Jobs Can You Get After a Data Analytics Bootcamp?


Article reviewed by: Megna Murali

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In 2022, the estimated data generated equaled 97 zettabytes (that¡¯s nearly 100 billion terabytes). As companies generate more data, they need data analysts to interpret it. With an acute skills shortage, entry-level data analyst jobs are a great place to start or restart a career.

According to research from the World Economic Forum, data analysts and scientists are the most in-demand job worldwide. Data analysts help companies solve business problems by collecting, cleaning, and interpreting data with statistical methods and analysis software.

Since the field is evolving and growing so fast, four-year degree programs can¡¯t produce graduates fast enough or keep up with the changing skills needed for the workplace. One option to bypass the four-year degree or switch careers into data analytics is to complete a data analytics bootcamp.  

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